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How to Feel Full When Dieting

Whether you’re a diet beginner or have several weight loss success stories under your belt, we can all agree that few things are more self-sabotaging when you’re trying to lose weight than hunger. Finding yourself hungry between meals when you’re trying to cut back on the quantity of food you eat is frustrating and can make you feel miserable. The good news? There are effective ways to prevent hunger between meals.

Below, we’ll discuss how to eat healthy and feel full. Let’s take a look!

1. Don’t Cut Your Calories Too Much

Once you’ve decided to take control of your health, resist the urge to reduce your calorie intake to lose weight drastically. Although following a low-calorie diet (less than 1,000 calories per day) may result in faster weight loss, these eating habits will leave you feeling hungry. Because of this, low-calorie diets are much harder to adhere to for long periods of time. By simply bumping your calorie limit up a bit, you’ll be able to consume more foods that help you feel fuller longer. You’ll still lose weight; it will just be more gradual.

2. Never Skip Meals

Skipping meals may seem like a good way to save some calories, but it will likely backfire by the end of the day. Eating three healthy meals (spaced evenly apart) helps control your blood sugar, keeping cravings to a minimum. This, in turn, prevents overeating later on, which happens as a result of excessive hunger that occurs from skipping meals.

Don’t forget breakfast, either! By starting with a healthy breakfast shortly after you wake up, you can get your metabolism going and provide your body with the energy you need to function throughout the day.

3. Combine Carbohydrates and Proteins at Every Meal

The secret to feeling full is properly combining carbohydrates and protein during your meals. Eating these nutrients together stabilizes your blood sugar, helping you stave off hunger and cravings. Examples of simple combinations are whole wheat crackers and cheese, brown rice and fish, and whole wheat bread and peanut butter.

4. Don’t Mistake Thirst for Hunger

Often, if we don’t pay close attention, we think we are hungry when we’re actually thirsty. The average person needs approximately 64 ounces of water per day, and many people fall short of this. Keeping yourself hydrated is essential for optimal health and can also prevent unnecessary hunger. Some easy tips to ensure you’re drinking enough are carrying a water bottle with you at all times and intentionally drinking a glass of water before or with each meal.

5. Find the Foods That Work for You

The truth is that we are all different, and weight loss is an individual journey. What works for most people may not be best for you. Some swear by eating oatmeal and yogurt in the morning, while others argue that eggs and toast keep them feeling fuller longer. Some of the best-laid plans come from trial and error. You’ll be most successful in your health journey when you enjoy what you eat and aren’t left feeling deprived and hungry. Consider keeping a food journal and recording what you eat (and how it makes you feel) each day. Let this be a guide as to what works best for you.

Feel Fuller Longer with High-Protein Products from Proti Foods

Proti Foods is here to help you reach your weight loss goals and make sure that you are satisfied along the way. We offer a wide selection of protein shakes, puddings, snack bars, and more that will keep you feeling full while eating less. Contact us today to learn more!

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