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How to Lose Weight Over 50

As we age, our bodies and minds go through a significant change as well. The physiological aspects of our aging bodies can stop our ability to lose weight. Add in the ever-slowing metabolism and the one or two pounders here and there that crept up on us slowly over the years, and losing weight over 50 can be difficult. The most efficient way to get past the roads blocks that face us as we age is to be aware of them and known how to work around them.

  1. Understand the importance of weight training. As our body ages, muscle mass decreases. With a smaller amount of muscle mass in our bodies, we end up with a slowed metabolism. Weight training will increase muscle mass and allow you to regain the ability to lose weight. If you feel uncomfortable going to a public gym to hit the weight room, there are many easy exercises you can find online that you can do in the comfort of your own home.
  2. Get a checkup. Sometimes our inability to lose weight does have a physical reasoning. As we get older, our hormones decline. This causes us to store weight instead of losing it. Stress from being overweight adds to additional accumulation of stubborn fat. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns with your ability to lose weight, especially as you get older. A thorough checkup may be required along with blood work to check your hormone levels.
  3. Focus on your body at 50. Hitting the gym after an extended period can be an adjustment. What is an even bigger adjustment is learning to workout with your fifty-year-old body rather than your thirty-year-old body. Be aware of the impact certain exercises have on your joints and find alternatives to ease the stress. Pool exercises, low impact cardio, walking, and yoga are examples of exercise routines that work great for older people who are looking to lose weight without causing injury.
  4. Assess your diet. Just like your workout routine, you should assess your diet based on your age as well. Replace junk food with fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. Remember, your metabolism changes as you get older. The foods you could get away with eating in your younger years might not be as kind to you as you get older.
  5. Get your stress under control. The older we get, the more responsibilities we seem to have. While one would think that stress would diminish as we get older, as our kids are grown and we near retirement, we face a new set of stressors. Finances of raising older children, the financial impact of sending your children to college, caring for aging parents, and other stresses lead to emotional eating and the accumulations of stubborn fat. Try different ways to control your stress.

While losing weight at any age can be a difficult task, many people notice the change in their body as they get older. Don’t let your age keep you from accomplishing your goals. Talk to a professional about different ways you can fight the road blocks of weight loss after 50.

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