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Five “Healthy” Foods That Are Actually Bad for You – And How to Replace Them

Eating healthy sounds simple enough: Simply cut out obvious foods that are bad for your health, such as bacon, butter, white bread and pasta, candy bars, chips, etc. Then, replace them with more nutritious options.

Unfortunately, while the foods listed above are unhealthy, many others are less obvious. Some of the worst diet foods can actually be cleverly disguised as healthy options, leading you to consume more calories, fat, and unhealthy ingredients than you ever meant to. For this reason, it’s crucial to identify these pseudo-healthy foods, add them to your list of “bad foods to avoid,” and moderate your consumption.

Healthy Foods that Are Actually Bad for You

Before you can start adopting healthier eating habits, you need to know which foods are actually worth consuming, and which you should steer clear of. Here are five unhealthy foods to avoid and what to replace them with:

  1. Artificial Sweeteners – Manmade sweeteners are often worse than the sugar they were meant to replace. Products made with aspartame and sucralose might be zero- or low-calorie, but they can also increase your body’s dependence and put you at risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular issues. Instead, try a little natural honey or stevia – or start enjoying your beverages, desserts, or breakfast meals without sugar.
  2. Low-Fat Yogurt – When done right, yogurt can be a great source of protein, calcium, and probiotics. Unfortunately, most of us tend to choose the low-fat options from the grocery store that are laden with sugar or artificial sweeteners and lack the most beneficial component of traditional yogurts: healthy fats and active cultures. Instead, choose a full-fat yogurt with essential active cultures or a high-protein pudding.
  3. Canned Albacore Tuna – Tuna is a relatively good source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein. Additionally, it’s low in saturated fat, making it a common choice for those looking to lose weight. However, albacore tuna is also higher in mercury than most fish, which can present a problem if you eat too much. Plus, if it’s packed in oil, it can be high in fat and calories. Instead, try canned light tuna packed in water or opt for salmon, cod, tilapia, scallops, or shrimp.
  4. Coffee Drinks – While it’s true that coffee can be a low-calorie substitute for full-fat dairy beverages and provides beneficial antioxidants, this doesn’t hold true for that sugary coffee drinks on the market today. Just one bottle can contain more than your entire daily value of sugar and fat. Therefore, it’s best to stick with black coffee or a protein-packed flavored coffee.
  5. Microwave Popcorn – For years, popcorn has been a common suggestion to replace heavier, sodium-filled snacks like potato chips. However, the oils and chemicals necessary to flavor the popcorn and prevent it from sticking to the bag can be unhealthy. Instead, try an air popper or munch on a high-protein savory snack mix.

By cutting out the above foods and replacing them with more nutritious alternatives, you’ll get the nutrients your body needs without the unnecessary calories, sugar, or fat. If you’re looking for healthy options to add to your pantry, Proti Foods can help. We offer a wide selection of protein-packed meals, snacks, and desserts to keep you on track with your diet while still enjoying the flavors you love.

Contact us today for more information!

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