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How to Get 150 Grams of Protein a Day

Let’s be real: we’ve all heard the buzz about protein being essential for our health. But it’s not just about building muscle or getting those gains at the gym. Protein does way more behind the scenes! For one, it keeps you satisfied longer after meals (goodbye mid-afternoon cravings). It even steps in to help your body regulate hunger hormones—telling your brain, "Hey, we’re full!" So, if you’ve ever loaded up on carbs and wondered why you’re still hungry, the answer might just be a lack of protein.

Hitting that sweet spot of 150 grams of protein a day isn’t just about fueling your body. It’s also key to maintaining muscle mass as you shed fat and stay energized. Ready to power up with protein? Let’s dive in!

A woman overhead presses a barbell.

Understanding Protein Requirements

Did you know that humans are made up mostly of water? But after water, protein is the most plentiful substance in our bodies. Protein grows muscles, strengthens bones, and maintains healthy skin and hair. Protein also powers the chemical reactions in our cells, fuels the antibodies that help us fight infection, and makes up the hormones that our body uses to send messages affecting our health and well-being.

Protein is necessary for our bodies at all ages and stages, from childhood to older adulthood. Adults' basic protein needs start at .8 to 1 gram per kg their bodyweight, which is 2.2 pounds. The National Academy of Medicine advises that adult men need about 56 grams and adult women need about 46 grams protein per day.

If you're looking to lose weight and become more fit, more protein can help, but this doesn't mean eating more food of any type. If you're very active, you should aim for 1.2 to 1.7 grams of daily protein per kg that you weigh, which can add up to 150 grams of protein daily.

Getting 150 grams of protein a day means you should eat about three times the basic maintenance protein levels for men and women. This goal will help you while you're losing weight, especially in preserving and even building muscle while supporting your body's nutritional needs. 150 grams can sound like a lot of protein, but here are some ideas that can help you reach this goal each day.

High-Protein Breakfast Ideas

Two eggs contain 12 grams of protein, but did you know that Greek yogurt has 15 grams of protein per serving? Combining a quick meal of two eggs along with Greek yogurt, blueberries, and flax seed can give you fiber and 30 grams of protein at the same time.

Add a handful of nuts for an extra 6 grams of protein and you have already gotten 36 grams of protein in your breakfast. Or, try a slice of whole grain toast with 3 ounces of smoked salmon and a serving of cream cheese, which provides about 21 grams of protein.

If you like sausage, you can make your own sausage without fillers or artificial ingredients, adding more lean protein to your breakfast. And, you can enjoy delicious, convenient protein pancakes or waffles and other high-protein breakfast foods that will offer a protein boost without a lot of extra fat, sugar, or calories.

Man whisking eggs for breakfast.

Protein-Packed Lunch and Dinner Options

When eating protein to lose weight, it's important to focus on lean meats, so you’re getting the protein you need without the unnecessary fat.

Create lunch and dinner menus from chicken, turkey, lean beef, tofu, fish, and legumes. Grilled chicken salad can be delicious, especially if you try it with homemade dressing made from lemon juice, garlic, herbs, and olive oil.

Think it's hard to add beans to your diet? A tuna and white bean salad can have between 20 and 30 grams of protein, and you could be surprised by how good it tastes with light lemon juice, olive oil, and herb dressing.

You can also create protein-enhanced dinners by combining nutrient-dense quinoa with toppers like baked salmon or tofu stir-fried with vegetables.

High-Protein Snacks and Supplements

You can easily create protein-dense meals that don't have a lot of empty calories, but will three square meals get you to your goal of 150 grams of protein a day? If you find yourself falling short, high-protein snacks can contribute to your daily protein goal. Choose high-protein snacks like nuts, seeds, and protein bars.

Other snack options include jerky, hard-boiled eggs, cottage cheese, and hummus. You can also supplement your meals and snacks with different protein supplements, including high-protein chips or a tasty fruit and protein combo, like a strawberry-banana smoothie.

You can choose from animal-based protein supplements made from whey or casein, concentrated powders which are made from milk, along with egg white protein. Plant-based protein supplements are made from several kinds of plants, including pea, hemp, brown rice, and soy. While your main protein intake and meals shouldn't be from supplements, you can use them to boost your daily protein intake.

Generic tub of protein powder displayed next to a full scoop of powder.

High Protein Meal Prep

You already know it's important to plan and prep your meals to achieve your nutrition goals. Without meal prep, it's hard to get to your goal of 150 grams of protein a day without eating too many other non-nutritious calories.

Here's one example of a sample 150-gram protein meal plan with realistic foods:

  • For Breakfast: Blueberry protein oatmeal with roasted peanuts and a small serving of Greek yogurt. (40 grams)
  • For Lunch: 6 oz. Baked salmon with lemon and dill, broccoli. (34 grams)
  • For Dinner: 6 oz. grilled chicken breast marinated in Greek dressing, mixed vegetables. (46 grams)
  • For Snacks: Protein shake or protein-enriched drink and handful of nuts. (30 grams)

When prepping for your meals, you can portion fish and chicken and marinate it for flavor, and divide vegetables and side dishes for balanced meals. Measure out snack portions of nuts or use unsweetened peanut butter to boost protein.

Consistent Protein Intake for Better Fitness

If you plan and prep your meals, you can get 150 grams of protein daily. Be consistent, stay with your goals, and feel great while improving your wellness and fitness.

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