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Does Protein Make You Bloated? Understanding the Causes and Solution

Bloating can be an uncomfortable and often embarrassing issue, and it’s not uncommon to wonder if protein is the cause. While protein is essential for building muscle and maintaining overall health, it can sometimes lead to digestive discomfort. In this blog, we’ll explore why protein might make you feel bloated and offer practical tips to help you enjoy its benefits without the unwanted side effects. Read on to uncover the truth about the infamous protein bloat and find ways to maintain a comfortable and healthy diet.

Man holding his stomach in pain.

Understanding the Causes of Bloating

One of the most common questions we hear when it comes to changes in the body with a new weight loss routine is: does a high protein diet cause bloating? The short answer is no. Protein itself does not typically cause bloating, but the way it is consumed and processed in the body can contribute to digestive discomfort in some individuals. Various factors related to protein intake can lead to bloating:

  1. Types of Protein: Different sources of protein can affect digestion differently. For example, some people might experience bloating from consuming whey protein, especially if they are lactose intolerant. Plant-based proteins can also cause bloating due to their high fiber content and the presence of certain carbohydrates that ferment in the gut.
  2. Protein Supplements: Protein powders and bars often contain added ingredients like artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohols, and fibers that can be difficult to digest, leading to bloating and gas.
  3. Eating Habits: Consuming large amounts of protein in one sitting can overwhelm the digestive system, causing bloating. It's better to spread protein intake throughout the day to aid in digestion.
  4. Hydration: Adequate water intake is essential when consuming high-protein diets. Protein metabolism produces nitrogen waste, which the body eliminates through urine. Insufficient hydration can lead to digestive issues, including bloating.
  5. Digestive Health: Individual digestive health plays a significant role. Some people may have difficulty digesting certain proteins due to low stomach acid or enzyme deficiencies, leading to incomplete digestion and bloating.
  6. Underlying Conditions: Conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can make individuals more susceptible to bloating from protein and other foods.

Why You Might Have the "Protein Bloat"

It's not uncommon to experience some bloating when you first increase your protein intake. This "protein bloat," as it’s often called, can be attributed to various sources in your diet. It's important to identify these sources and understand how to manage them. In the upcoming sections, we'll explore different protein sources, including beans, high-fat proteins, sugar alcohols, protein powders, and protein shakes, how they might be contributing to your bloating, and how to enjoy the benefits of protein without the discomfort of bloating.


Beans and legumes are a great choice for lean protein. They range from eight to sixteen grams of protein per cup. But, in many cases, beans serve as gas producers because they are rich in soluble fibers, which the body can't digest. These fibers become fermented by bacteria in the colon and you end up with what we like to call protein farts.

Bowl of black beans.

The good news is that bean lovers don't have to give them up all together. There are many supplements on the market to help reduce the effects of these sugars on the body. In addition, trying to reduce the portions you consume can help your body adjust. And, as your body gets used to consuming these proteins regularly, you can gradually increase your portions. Finally, soaking your beans can remove some of the soluble sugars that your body can't digest.

High Fat Proteins

High fat proteins, such as meats that are high in fat, can cause your body to become bloated. Excessive amounts of fat not only cause you to gain weight in the long run, but they can lead to water retention in the short run, which is a major factor in bloating. Choosing lean meats instead can prevent gas, and help with your weight loss results by consuming fewer calories and less saturated fat. Try sticking to fish, skinless, light meat chicken, or turkey.

Close-up of a woman's taking a bite of salmon off her plate.

Just because you are experiencing bloating from high fat meats doesn't mean you need to stay away from red meat all together. Choose ground beef that is 90% lean. Or, stick to round, sirloin, tenderloin, and chuck cuts of meat. Pork tenderloin and loin chop cuts are also a great option.

Sugar Alcohols

Low calorie sweeteners are the biggest culprits of sugar alcohols. In most cases, these are chemically formulated and lead to digestive problems in people who consume them. Even in small amounts, there are triggers in sugar alcohols that cause bloating. Stay away from the following all together and you might notice a difference:

  • Sorbitol
  • Xylitol
  • Maltitol
  • Erythritol
  • Mannitol
  • Lactitol
  • Isomal

Protein Powder

We did say that protein wasn't a factor in bloating, but if you are choosing the wrong protein powder for your body, it can become a contributing factor. If the biggest change in your diet is adding in a protein powder, and you experience bloating, you may want to look at what type of protein you are consuming. Some people's bodies react differently to the ingredients in protein powders. For example, whey protein powders contain lactose. If you have a lactose intolerance, consuming whey protein can lead to bloating. Look for protein powders that are labeled as whey protein isolate, as these contain very little fat and lactose, or try for a plant-based protein powder.

Whatever you choose, be sure you are picking a protein powder that has healthy ingredients. Stay away from protein powders that contain sugar alcohols and look for ones that are sweetened with natural ingredients, such as Stevia, instead.

Protein Shakes

Protein shakes are a convenient way to boost your protein intake, but they can sometimes lead to bloating. This discomfort is often due to added ingredients or artificial sweeteners in the shake. To minimize bloating, opt for shakes with natural ingredients and without excessive additives. Additionally, consider shakes that use plant-based proteins if dairy or whey-based shakes cause discomfort. Hydrating well and consuming shakes slowly can also help your digestive system process them more efficiently, reducing the likelihood of bloating. Remember, finding the right shake for your body might require some experimentation.

How Long Does Protein Bloat Last?

If you experience protein bloating, know that it typically lasts from a few hours to a couple of days. The duration can vary based on several factors, including individual digestive health, the amount and type of protein you consumed, and your overall diet and hydration levels. 

Addressing Bloating Beyond Diet: The Importance of Medical Insight

If you are experiencing the uncomfortable effects of bloating on your new high protein diet, chances are the change in what you are eating alone isn't the reason why. Besides the reasons listed above, you might notice a change because of a lack of hydration, your eating habits, or even an underlying medical disorder. Adjust your diet to help avoid the effects of bloating, and be sure to consult your doctor if bloating persists, as knowing the exact cause can be beneficial to your overall health.


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