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Breakfast for Weight Loss: 7 Recommendations for Success

When you are looking to lose weight fast, it’s important to start the day on a fat-fighting mode. Make the most of your morning meal by striking the right balance and consuming the right variety. Here are a few recommendations to help you out.

Have the right mix

Hunger pangs throughout the day results from improper portion of proteins and carbohydrates in the very first meal of the day. An ideal breakfast should serve the necessary dosage in equal proportions. A bowl of cereal is not enough to provide you with a healthy nutrition; you can mix it up with egg and cheese on a roll, or oatmeal made with water. Too much carbohydrate in the morning can elevate the blood sugar level and your body will start craving for food within a couple of hours. It’s important to have the right mix in order to avoid such a plunge.

Green tea should be your morning coffee

In comparison to coffee, green tea has quarter the amount of caffeine present in it, and more importantly, it is loaded with antioxidants. Excess fat needs to be broken down in the fat cell and stimulated into the bloodstream. The bioactive substances present in green tea helps in accelerating this process and increase the rate at which your body burns the calories.

Introduce a little fiber in your breakfast

Adding fiber to your diet can curb hunger and also improve digestive health. Unlike the case of proteins and carbohydrates, most of us fall short of the recommended limit of fibre required per day. There are many fiber-rich foods you can have at the breakfast, some of which include, two slices of wholemeal toasted bread, a small handful of nuts or just a bowl of oatmeal topped with a slice of banana.

Prefer plain yoghurt

If you are looking to make the most of yoghurt, choose plain, unsweetened and low fat type. Dress it yourself with natural sweeteners such as honey or milk chocolate. You can also add fresh berries or cereals. Plain yoghurt is the healthiest since it does not contain artificial flavors and is a good source of calcium as well.

Prepare granola at home

A mixture of oats, nuts and honey is a very healthy recipe to have in the morning breakfast, but you should be aware of the fact that most of the commercially packaged granolas contain artificial sweeteners and fats. You should consider preparing your own granola by mixing a cup of rolled oats along with some dry fruits and a topping of honey. Keep it inside the oven for 5 minutes and store it a sealed container.

Have a big breakfast

The chance of your body storing fat is the least at the onset of the day, since your metabolism is at peak in the morning time. You should target consuming more calories in the breakfast, and follow it with a small lunch. This also helps in lowering bad cholesterols, apart from keeping you full for a good time. However, make sure to have a balanced meal that is high in protein.

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